Alpaca Fine Tuning

Fine-tuning Alpaca and LLaMA: Training on a Custom Dataset

Welcome to the tutorial on fine-tuning Alpaca LoRa! In this tutorial, we will explore the process of fine-tuning Alpaca LoRa for detecting sentiment in Bitcoin tweets.

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The repository of Alpaca LoRa1 provides code for reproducing the Stanford Alpaca results using low-rank adaptation (LoRA). Included is an Instruct model similar in quality to text-davinci-003. The code can be extended to the 13b, 30b, and 65b models, and Hugging Face's PEFT2 and Tim Dettmers' bitsandbytes3 are used for efficient and inexpensive fine-tuning.

We will walk through the entire process of fine-tuning Alpaca LoRa on a specific dataset, starting from the data preparation and ending with the deployment of the trained model. The tutorial will cover topics such as data processing, model training, and evaluation using popular natural language processing libraries such as Transformers and Hugging Face. Additionally, we will cover how to deploy and test the model using the Gradio app.

In this tutorial, we will be using Jupyter Notebook to run the code. If you prefer to follow along, you can access the notebook here: open the notebook (opens in a new tab)

Notebook setup

The alpaca-lora1 GitHub repository offers a single script ( to train a model. In this tutorial, we will leverage this code and adapt it to work seamlessly within a Google Colab environment.

Let's begin by installing the necessary dependencies from the repository:

!pip install -U pip
!pip install accelerate==0.18.0
!pip install appdirs==1.4.4
!pip install bitsandbytes==0.37.2
!pip install datasets==2.10.1
!pip install fire==0.5.0
!pip install git+
!pip install git+
!pip install torch==2.0.0
!pip install sentencepiece==0.1.97
!pip install tensorboardX==2.6
!pip install gradio==3.23.0

After installing the dependencies, we will proceed to import all the necessary libraries and configure the settings for matplotlib plotting:

import transformers
import textwrap
from transformers import LlamaTokenizer, LlamaForCausalLM
import os
import sys
from typing import List
from peft import (
import fire
import torch
from datasets import load_dataset
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import seaborn as sns
from pylab import rcParams
%matplotlib inline
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize':(10, 7)})
sns.set(style='white', palette='muted', font_scale=1.2)
DEVICE = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"


We will be using the BTC Tweets Sentiment dataset4, which is available on Kaggle and contains around 50,000 tweets related to Bitcoin. To clean the data, I removed all tweets starting with 'RT' or containing links. Let's now download the dataset:

!gdown 1xQ89cpZCnafsW5T3G3ZQWvR7q682t2BN

We can use Pandas to load the CSV:

df = pd.read_csv("bitcoin-sentiment-tweets.csv")
0Fri Mar 23 00:40:40 +0000 2018@p0nd3ea Bitcoin wasn't built to live on exchanges.1
1Fri Mar 23 00:40:40 +0000 2018@historyinflicks Buddy if I had whatever series of 19th diseases Bannon clearly has I'd want to be a bitcoin too.1
2Fri Mar 23 00:40:42 +0000 2018@eatBCH @Bitcoin @signalapp @myWickr @Samsung @tipprbot patience is truly a virtue0
3Fri Mar 23 00:41:04 +0000 2018@aantonop Even if Bitcoin crash tomorrow morning, the technology it's still revolutionary. A way of simplifying it. #Ihavetobepartofthis0
4Fri Mar 23 00:41:07 +0000 2018I am experimenting whether I can live only with bit coins donated. Please cooperate.1

Our dataset has around 1900 tweets.

The sentiment labels are represented numerically, where -1 indicates a negative sentiment, 0 indicates a neutral sentiment, and 1 indicates a positive sentiment. Let's have a look at their distribution:

 0.0    860
 1.0    779
-1.0    258
Name: sentiment, dtype: int64

Tweet Sentiment Distribution

The distribution of negative sentiment is significantly lower, and it should be considered when assessing the performance of the fine-tuned model.

Build JSON Dataset

The format of the dataset5 in the original Alpaca repository consists of a JSON file that has a list of objects with instruction, input, and output strings.

Let's convert the Pandas dataframe into a JSON file that adheres to the format in the original Alpaca repository:

def sentiment_score_to_name(score: float):
    if score > 0:
        return "Positive"
    elif score < 0:
        return "Negative"
    return "Neutral"
dataset_data = [
        "instruction": "Detect the sentiment of the tweet.",
        "input": row_dict["tweet"],
        "output": sentiment_score_to_name(row_dict["sentiment"])
    for row_dict in df.to_dict(orient="records")
  "instruction": "Detect the sentiment of the tweet.",
  "input": "@p0nd3ea Bitcoin wasn't built to live on exchanges.",
  "output": "Positive"

Lastly, we will save the generated JSON file to use it for training the model later on:

import json
with open("alpaca-bitcoin-sentiment-dataset.json", "w") as f:
   json.dump(dataset_data, f)

Model Weights

Although the original Llama model weights are not available, they were leaked and subsequently adapted for use with the HuggingFace Transformers library. We'll use the decapoda-research6 weights:

BASE_MODEL = "decapoda-research/llama-7b-hf"
model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained(BASE_MODEL)
tokenizer.pad_token_id = (
    0  # unk. we want this to be different from the eos token
tokenizer.padding_side = "left"

This code loads the pre-trained Llama model using the LlamaForCausalLM class from the Hugging Face Transformers library. The load_in_8bit=True parameter loads the model using 8-bit quantization to reduce memory usage and improve inference speed.

The code also loads the tokenizer for the same Llama model using the LlamaTokenizer class, and sets some additional properties for padding tokens. Specifically, it sets the pad_token_id to 0 to represent unknown tokens, and sets the padding_side to "left" to pad sequences on the left side.


Now that we have loaded the model and tokenizer, we can proceed to load the JSON file we saved earlier using the load_dataset() function from the HuggingFace datasets library:

data = load_dataset("json", data_files="alpaca-bitcoin-sentiment-dataset.json")
    features: ['instruction', 'input', 'output'],
    num_rows: 1897

Next, we need to create prompts from the loaded dataset and tokenize them:

def generate_prompt(data_point):
    return f"""Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request.  # noqa: E501
### Instruction:
### Input:
### Response:
def tokenize(prompt, add_eos_token=True):
    result = tokenizer(
    if (
        result["input_ids"][-1] != tokenizer.eos_token_id
        and len(result["input_ids"]) < CUTOFF_LEN
        and add_eos_token
    result["labels"] = result["input_ids"].copy()
    return result
def generate_and_tokenize_prompt(data_point):
    full_prompt = generate_prompt(data_point)
    tokenized_full_prompt = tokenize(full_prompt)
    return tokenized_full_prompt

The first function generate_prompt takes a data point from the dataset and generates a prompt by combining the instruction, input, and output values. The second function tokenize takes the generated prompt and tokenizes it using the tokenizer defined earlier. It also adds an end-of-sequence token to the input sequence and sets the label to be the same as the input sequence. The third function generate_and_tokenize_prompt combines the first two functions to generate and tokenize the prompt in one step.

The last step of data preparation involves splitting the dataset into separate training and validation sets:

train_val = data["train"].train_test_split(
    test_size=200, shuffle=True, seed=42
train_data = (
val_data = (

We want 200 examples for the validation set and apply shuffling to the data. The generate_and_tokenize_prompt() function is applied to every example in the train and validation set to generate the tokenized prompts.


The training process requires several parameters which are mostly derived from the fine-tuning script in the original repository:

LORA_R = 8
OUTPUT_DIR = "experiments"

We can now prepare the model for training:

model = prepare_model_for_int8_training(model)
config = LoraConfig(
model = get_peft_model(model, config)
trainable params: 4194304 || all params: 6742609920 || trainable%: 0.06220594176090199

We initialize and prepare the model for training with the LORA algorithm, which is a form of quantization that can reduce model size and memory usage without significant loss in accuracy.

LoraConfig7 is a class that specifies the hyperparameters for the LORA algorithm, such as the regularization strength (lora_alpha), the dropout probability (lora_dropout), and the target modules to be compressed (target_modules).

For the training process, we'll use the Trainer class from the Hugging Face Transformers library:

training_arguments = transformers.TrainingArguments(

This code creates a TrainingArguments object which specifies various settings and hyperparameters for training the model. These include:

  • gradient_accumulation_steps: Number of updates steps to accumulate gradients before performing a backward/update pass.
  • warmup_steps: Number of warmup steps for the optimizer.
  • max_steps: The total number of training steps to perform.
  • learning_rate: The learning rate for the optimizer.
  • fp16: Use 16-bit precision for training.
data_collator = transformers.DataCollatorForSeq2Seq(
    tokenizer, pad_to_multiple_of=8, return_tensors="pt", padding=True

DataCollatorForSeq2Seq is a class from the Transformers library that creates batches of input/output sequences for sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models. In this code, a DataCollatorForSeq2Seq object is instantiated with the following parameters:

  • pad_to_multiple_of: An integer representing the maximum sequence length, rounded up to the nearest multiple of this value.
  • padding: A boolean indicating whether to pad the sequences to the specified maximum length.

Now that we have all the necessary components, we can proceed with training the model:

trainer = transformers.Trainer(
model.config.use_cache = False
old_state_dict = model.state_dict
model.state_dict = (
    lambda self, *_, **__: get_peft_model_state_dict(
        self, old_state_dict()
).__get__(model, type(model))
model = torch.compile(model)

After instantiating the Trainer, the code sets use_cache to False in the model's config, and creates a state_dict for the model using the get_peft_model_state_dict() function, which prepares the model for training using low-precision arithmetic.

Then, the torch.compile() function is called on the model, which compiles the model's computation graph and prepares it for training using PyTorch 2.

The training process lasted approximately 2 hours on A100. Let's examine the results on Tensorboard:

Tensorboard Log

The training loss and the evaluation loss seem to be decreasing steadily. And that was on the first try!

We will upload the trained model to the Hugging Face Model Hub for easy reusability:

from huggingface_hub import notebook_login
model.push_to_hub("curiousily/alpaca-bitcoin-tweets-sentiment", use_auth_token=True)


We will begin by duplicating the repository and then utilize the script to test the model:

!git clone
%cd alpaca-lora
!git checkout a48d947

The Gradio app launched by the script will allow us to utilize the weights of our model:

!python \
    --load_8bit \
    --base_model 'decapoda-research/llama-7b-hf' \
    --lora_weights 'curiousily/alpaca-bitcoin-tweets-sentiment' \

Here's a look at our app:

Gradio App

Go ahead and test the model!


In conclusion, we have successfully fine-tuned the Llama model using Alpaca LoRa methods for detecting sentiment in Bitcoin tweets. We have used the Hugging Face Transformers library and the Hugging Face datasets library for loading and preprocessing the data, as well as the Transformers trainer for training the model. Finally, we have deployed our model to the Hugging Face model hub and demonstrated how to use it in a Gradio app.

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  1. Alpaca LoRA GitHub Repository (opens in a new tab) 2

  2. HuggingFace PEFT (opens in a new tab)

  3. bitsandbytes GitHub Repository (opens in a new tab)

  4. BTC Tweets Sentiment (opens in a new tab)

  5. Alpaca Data Format (opens in a new tab)

  6. Decapoda Research Llama Weights (opens in a new tab)

  7. LoraConfig Source Code (opens in a new tab)